Membership & Auditions
Kreismusikschule Kaiserslautern Registration
You can sign up online here:
All spaces with an Asterisk * are required to submit your application
Going down through the form, with some translations:
Unterrichtfach: Type of class/lesson;
For JSOKL members, this would be Ensemblefacher/Sinfoniorchester
For individual lessons, this would be Einzelunterricht
Wuncshbeginn: Beginning of lessons; this would be the first day of the month you started lessons/rehearsals
Lessons/ensembles are billed per month every quarter
For Fall Semester this is generally 1. September.
Vorkenntnisse/Wünsche: This is anything you need us to know (potential conflicts, health issues, allergies, etc.)
Angäben zum Schüler/zur Schülerin: This is the first/last name of your student, address, birthdate and other contact info.
Weiblich = Female, Männlich = Male
Angaben zum Erziehungsberechtigten: This is your Information as parent/guardian
SEPA-Lastschriftmandat: This is your payment information; you need to authorise payment, and you will billed quarterly in Euro.
Fragen an die Schule/Bemerkungen: This is questions for us.
Finally are a series of releases:
The first authorizes the Kreismusikschule to save your contact information and other data you've provided for the purposes of operating the organization.
Your data will not be released to a third party without your consent, and you may withdraw your authorization at any time, in accordance with EU law (GDPR).
The second is a photo release; this authorises the Musikschule to take photographs of your child (generally while playing in their ensemble), and use them to publicise the organization.
The third authorises the orchestra and music school staff to contact you via email at the address you provided.
The last confirms that you have read the fee schedule and policies of the Kaiserslautern District Music School and accept them.
Once you click on the ONLINE-ANMELDUNG SENDEN button, your online application will go to the KMS office. You should receive a confirmation in the mail.
I have provided this as a quick courtesy translation; if you would like a more complete translation please let me know.
- Dr. Reese
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